Legislation Assigned to the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee (19)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0090 NegotiatingLand Purchase - Illegal for Board Member to Discuss if Conflict of Interest Robert Gasaway
3/30/2017 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Judiciary Non-Civil --
2017/01/27-Report Criminal Procedure Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Eminent Domain/Condemnation
Ethics General County Government Procurement Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation makes it a misdemeanor for members of the board of commissioners, city council, school board or local board or authority to knowingly and intentionally vote, attempt to influence a vote, or be present in executive or closed session when their respective body is considering or discussion the acquisition of property if the member has direct or indirect ownership interest in the property, or any business in which the member serves in a fiduciary capacity has an ownership interest in the property.      
HB 0116 NeutralSuperior Court Exclusive Jurisdiction of Juvenile Cases Involving Aggravated Assault Albert Reeves
1/8/2018 Senate Recommitted Judiciary Non-Civil Public Safety -
Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Health and Human Services
Juveniles Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts Superior Court
This legislation gives the superior court exclusive jurisdiction over juveniles charged with aggravated assault with a firearm.  The language of this legislation was added to SB 160 "Back the Badge".
HB 0213 WatchMandatory Minimum Sentence for Drug Offenses Involving Fentanyl Rich Golick
1/8/2018 Senate Recommitted Judiciary Non-Civil Judiciary -
Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts
This legislation adds the sale, manufacture or possession of fentanyl to the list of offenses with a mandatory minimum sentence.
HB 0249 NeutralAdds Death by Overdose to List of Causes of Death Which Law Enforcement Must Provide Notice to the Cornor Kevin Tanner
7/1/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Non-Civil Health and Human Services -
Coroners/Medical Examiners Debra Nesbit General County Government Health and Human Services Open Records/Meetings Act
Public Safety and Courts
This legislation includes death by apparent drug overdose as a suspicious death that law enforcement must report to the coroner and may require investigation by the coroner.
HB 0288 NeutralService Animals - Rules for Accompaniment in Public Transport and Facilities Tom Kirby
2/10/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary Non-Civil --
Animal Control General County Government Health and Human Services Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation tightens the definition and permissible accompaniment (e.g. in public conveyances and public places) of service animals that are trained to assist, do work, or perform tasks for a physically or mentally impaired person.    
HB 0341 SupportMandatory Sentences for Sex Trafficking and Changes to Mandatory Notice Albert Reeves
7/1/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Non-Civil Judiciary -
Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts Sex Offender
This legislation changes the requirements to the model notice for the human trafficking hotline, and the mandatory sentences for sex trafficking.
HB 0465 NeutralIndustrial Hemp Commission John Pezold
2/24/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary Non-Civil --
Agriculture Econ. Dev. & Transportation Georgia Bureau of Investigation Health and Human Services Kathleen Bowen
Law Enforcement Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Sheriff
This legislation creates the Industrial Hemp Commission. This commission will oversee, regulate and promote the research and development of industrial hemp and hemp products in Georgia. 
HB 0478 NeutralStrengthen Requirements for Access to Booking Photographs Brian Strickland
2/27/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary Non-Civil --
Correctional Institutions/Jail Debra Nesbit General County Government Law Enforcement Open Records/Meetings Act
Public Safety and Courts
This legislation prohibits law enforcement from providing booking photographs of any who has not been convicted.  It also requires that the requesting party have a Georgia driver's license and physically pick up the copy of the photographs.  
SB 0001 EvaluatingThe Protecting Georgian Against Terrorism Act Bill Cowsert
3/28/2017 House Lost Reconsidered Bill/Resolution Judiciary Non-Civil --
Debra Nesbit Emergency Management/Preparedness Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts
This legislation expands the definition and response to domestic terrorism. 
SB 0015 NeutralWeapons License - Expand Eligibility for Free Permit for Law Enforcement Michael Rhett
7/1/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Non-Civil Judiciary -
2017/01/13-Report Firearms/Carry Laws Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons General County Government Probate Court
Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards

This legislation allows certain former law enforcement officers to receive a weapons carry license without having to pay the permit fee.  To be eligible, the individual must have served in law enforcement for at least ten years but left as a result of a disability caused in the line of duty and receives benefits under the Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund or from a county, city, state, state authority or federal retirement system.

SB 0045 WatchProhibition of Any Device Used to Film Under or Through a Person's Clothing Larry Walker
3/24/2017 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Judiciary Non-Civil Judiciary -
2017/03/06 - Report 2017/03/24 - Report Correctional Institutions/Jail Debra Nesbit District Attorneys
Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts Solicitors
This legislation makes it a crime to surreptitiously record a person under or through a person's clothing to view their body or undergarments.  There is an exception for law enforcement and prosecutors investigating and prosecuting criminal offenses and retailers that provide surveillance in a customer changing room.
SB 0099 NeutralJudicial Procedure for Purging Information from NCIC and Change of Definition of Knife in Weapons Carry Statute Elena Parent
3/30/2017 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Judiciary Non-Civil Public Safety -
2017/03/06 - Report 2017/03/24 - Report Clerk of Court Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit
District Attorneys Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Georgia Bureau of Investigation Health and Human Services
Open Records/Meetings Act Probate Court Public Safety and Courts Solicitors
This legislation allows individual's who have been involuntarily hospitalized to have the records purged and not included in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.  This bill was amended to change the definition of Knife in the possession and carrying of a concealed weapon statute from 5 inches to 12 inches.
SB 0104 NeutralCounties Must Post Human Trafficking Hotline Notice Donzella James
5/8/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Non-Civil State Institutions and Property -
2017/03/06 - Report 2017/03/24 - Report General County Government Health and Human Services Mandate
Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation requires counties to post notices regarding the human trafficking hotline in buildings owned or leased by the county that have public access, as well as provide a link to the GBI hotline notice on the homepage of their Web site.  If the government leases the property, then the notice shall be posted in restrooms that are exclusively used by the government entity.  It also distinguishes between first- and second-degree carjacking; addresses the unknowing possession of a fake insurance document; outlaws taking photos of person's "intimate parts" without their consent; and outlaws a new variation of synthetic marijuana.
SB 0121 InactiveState Health Officer May Issue Standing Order For Access to Opioid Antagonists Butch Miller
4/18/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Non-Civil Health and Human Services -
2017/03/24 - Report Debra Nesbit EMS/Ambulance General County Government Law Enforcement
Open Records/Meetings Act Public Safety and Courts
This legislation enacts the Jeffrey Dallas Gay, Jr. Act, which will allow certain people or entities to obtain and administer opioid antagonists to those believed to have over dosed on opioids.
SB 0154 EvaluatingAdditional Penalties for Assault and Battery Against Public Safety Officer While on Duty Gregory Kirk
3/27/2018 House Passed/Adopted By Substitute Judiciary Non-Civil Public Safety -
2017/02/17-Report Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit District Attorneys
Econ. Dev. & Transportation EMS/Ambulance Fire Services Juveniles Law Enforcement
Magistrate Court Probate Court Probation Public Safety and Courts Solicitors
State Court Superior Court Traffic Enforcement
This legislation provides for tort liability for those who commit an offense of aggravated assault and aggravated battery against a public safety officer, as well as for the parents of any youth who commit the offense.  There is also an additional penalty assessed dedicated to the Georgia State Indemnification Fund.  The language from this legislation was added to SB 160 "Back the Badge".
SB 0160 SupportBack the Badge Act Tyler Harper
7/1/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Non-Civil Public Safety -
2017/02/17-Report 2017/03/17 - Report Clerk of Court Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure
Debra Nesbit District Attorneys EMS/Ambulance Fire Services Health and Human Services
Juveniles Law Enforcement Magistrate Court Probate Court Probation
Public Safety and Courts Sheriff Solicitors State Court Superior Court
Traffic Enforcement
This legislation provides exclusive jurisdiction of 13 to 17 year olds who commit an offense of aggravated assault or aggravated battery against a public safety official.  This legislation includes HB 116, HB 258, and SB 154 which gives superior court full jurisdiction for juvenile cases involving aggravated assault, increasing sentences for assaulting a police officer, and additional penalties for those convicted of assaulting a public safety officer while on duty.
SB 0174 NeutralCriminal Justice Reform and Certification Procedures for Veterans and Family Treatment Accountability Courts John Kennedy
7/1/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Non-Civil Judiciary -
Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit District Attorneys Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons
General County Government Health and Human Services Indigent Defense Open Records/Meetings Act Parole
Probation Public Safety and Courts Superior Court
This legislation changes the laws regarding use of accountability courts for non-violent felons and provides procedures for the certification of veterans and family drug treatment accountability courts.
SB 0176 NeutralCriminal Justice Reform, Required to Provide Notice Via First Class Mail or Postcard for Failure to Appear Prior to Issuing Bench Warrant John Kennedy
7/1/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Non-Civil Judiciary -
Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Econ. Dev. & Transportation Law Enforcement
Magistrate Court Probate Court Public Safety and Courts State Court Superior Court
Traffic Enforcement
This legislation enacts reforms related to driving privileges recommended by the Georgia Council on Criminal Justice Reform which include a requirement that courts provide notice via first class mail or post card to persons who fail to appear for a court date listed on a uniform traffic citation of another court date and the issuance of a bench warrant.
SB 0250 SupportSex Offenders Convicted in Other Countries Require Registration Jeff Mullis
7/1/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Non-Civil Judiciary -
2017/03/24 - Report Clerk of Court Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit
Georgia Bureau of Investigation Immigration Law Enforcement Progressing Legislation Public Safety and Courts
Sex Offender Superior Court
This legislation changes requirements for registration of persons on convicted of a sexual offense in another county to be placed on the Georgia the sexual offender registry. 
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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